on the Coast

Flair on the Coast
Surviving and Preventing Cancer
Slide 1     Surviving and Preventing Cancer Slide 21    Risk factors for Cancer
Slide 2     Why the "C word" is offencive Slide 22    Nutrition and Cancer
Slide 3     Diets in the past and present Slide 23    Cancer as an autoimmune disease
Slide 4     Diseases of Affluence Slide 24    Link to the vidoes
Slide 5     Chronic disease in affluent nations Slide 25    Women and Cancer - Reducing your risk
Slide 6     The China study Slide 26    Men and Cancer - Reducing your risk
Slide 7     The "peasant diet" Slide 27    Recommendation for a plant based diet
Slide 8     Whole grains and legumes Slide 28    Hip fracture and animal protein
Slide 9     Treat symptems or prevent and reverse Slide 29    Milk products and cancer
Slide 10    Top 5 cancer causing foods Slide 30    The cheese trap
Slide 11    Top 5 Apoptosis foods Slide 31    How is Calcium absorbed
Slide 12    The power plate for optimum health Slide 32    Green leafy vegetables and beans
Slide 13    Avoid smoking Slide 33    Nutrition in plant VS animal based foods
Slide 14    Maintain a healthy weight Slide 34    Oil is the white sugar of the fat world
Slide 15    Engage in half hour of daily exercise Slide 35    Olives VS olive oil
Slide 16    Consume more whole plant foods Slide 36    Plant based food pyramid
Slide 17    Influence of genes on illness Slide 37    Why have my doctors not mentioned plants
Slide 18    Is soy healthy of Breast Cancer Survivors Slide 38    Eat your veggies
Slide 19    Breast Cancer VS animal calories Slide 39    Doctors who promote healthy living
Slide 20    Cancer survival advantage of plant diet
These are the slides that Deborah Pageau B.Sc. and Gerry Pageau B.A.Sc., P.Eng., M.eng. presented to the Flair On The Coast group.  I would like to thank Deborah and Gerry for letting us share the information they compiled.  I am sure it took a lot of time and effort to assemble this information.