This slide from the Cancer Project of the PCRM provides an overview of the foods that affect our risk of developing cancer. Health-promoting & disease-promoting choices add up to increase or decrease our risk of dying from cancer. The World Health Organization lists processed meat as a Class One carcinogen for humans, inthe same category as alcohol, plutonium & asbestos. They also declared fresh meatto be Class Two: a probable carcinogen. Perhaps surprising is the issue with calciumsupplements. Apparently, consuming an excess of calcium by itself increases our riskof cancer. While the risk to health from consuming alcohol goes up with quantity,even a small amount is carcinogenic. As the eminent physician Dr. Michael Klapersays, “Your body is never not looking.”
This list of cancers may be prevented & reversed with a whole foods plant-based diet. As you may know, cancer cells develop in our bodies all the time. This is known as the “initiation” stage and it can be triggered by common interactions with life such as certain microbes, radiation or toxins. Our job… what we can do… is to avoid those initiators as much as possible AND nurture a healthy immune system to fight off whatever cancer cells we make.
Anal Bone Breast (in women & men) Cervical, uterine & ovary Colon Esophageal & gastric Inner ear Kidney Liver Lung