on the Coast

Flair on the Coast
Surviving and Preventing Cancer
Meat consumption
Mutated BRCA 97%
Normal BRCA 41% increase
Soy consumption
Mutated BRCA 73%
Normal BRCA 27% reduction

Here is some research comparing women with normal or mutated BRCA genes.  As you may know, normal BRCA genes help us repair damaged DNA & fight cancer.  When one or more of these genes are mutated, they are less able to help us kill cancer cells. In this research project, soy intake reduced cancer risk for everyone.  Even more interesting to note is that it was 3 x more effective for people with mutated genes. On the flip side of that coin, when people with the mutations ate meat, they had a 3 x greater increase of developing cancer compared to those with normal genes. From this we may conclude that the higher the person’s genetic risk, the more powerful & important it is to eat a whole foods plant-based diet.