on the Coast

Flair on the Coast
Surviving and Preventing Cancer
Treat symptems
Prevent & reverse
1. https://nutritionstudies.org/many-cancer-promises-much-professional-arrogance/

2. https://plantricianproject.org/kenneth-shafer-md
(article in which Dr. Shafer talks aboutdiscovering the benefits of a plant-based diet for his patients)

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4991921/
(a recent peer-reviewed article published in a medical journal written by a registered dietitian to educate physicians about the benefits of plant-based diet)
(short video clip from a talk by Dr. Jim Bennie in which he describes transitioning from a drug/surgery medical practice to a plant-based practice)
As you may know, the most common cancer treatments in modern medical practice are based on drugs & surgery to treat symptoms. While they can help in some ways, they usually have dangerous side effects & regrettably, ignore the root cause.  With hormone-driven cancers like breast & prostate cancer, lifestyle makes all the difference. A low-fat, zero-cholesterol diet of whole plant foods benefits all our organ systems at once, with only good side effects, and addresses the root cause of chronic illness.