on the Coast
By hosting a monthly, free two- hour workshop, Pate and Bowman are cheerfully determined to enable women in cancer treatment to feel more empowered. It’s a non-profit initiative and the two have currently privately funded simply to give back to the community and share what they’ve learned. The workshops will include guest speakers, a wig library (where patrons in treatment can borrow wigs), hair alternative ideas, cosmetic application ideas, skin and nail care.
Bowman, who is a professional esthetician in Sechelt, understands that feeling better during treatment can be daunting, from learning how to properly apply eyelashes, or finding healthy creams for dry skin or fragile nails. She also knows that feeling confident during a difficult time is enhanced by camaraderie and starts from within.
“People who join us can expect to drop in for coffee and snacks, have fun and laugh, meet others going through the same things and leave feeling better, instead of feeling down and out about cancer,” Bowman said.
Bowman and Pate will offer their first workshop in Sechelt, with plans to expand to other areas of the Coast as needed. They also hope to pick up funding sponsors and new guest speakers to add to the program.
Come join us for our monthly get together at the Rockwood Centre in Sechelt, from 10:00 am until noon.  Our 2017 meetings will be held on the second Saturday of each month.
We will take a summer break during the months of July and August.
For more details and to confirm your attendance please contact 
Carol Bowman at 604 989 3724
Jean Pate at 604 883-0660
Flair on the Coast