on the Coast
For contact information please contact Carol
Flair on the Coast
We were delighted to welcome Shelley Harrison Ray for our May 12th monthly get together.   Shelley was so popular with everyone last year that we decided to ask her if she would come again and speak about the wellness benefits of writing.   Shelley explained the different forms that writing for wellness can take and gave us a few short exercises for everyone to try.   One of the exercises was to write a short piece on our very own Secret Garden.   Shelley submitted the following for your perusal.  

You can learn more about Shelley at http://www.expressivearts.ca/ or contact her at xpressivearts@gmail.com
Don't forget to tend your interior secret garden, because seeds that will blossom in an outward expression are always first scattered within.

Weed out disappointments, frustrations, diminished ambitions, unfulfilled expectations, and anger about what has gone before or what has not yet come.

The emotional weeds only choke our creativity.   Let an unfettered imagination sow the seeds of possibility in the rich soil of your soul.

Then, let passion tend the garden with patience and perseverance.   As Frances Hodgson Burnett discovered, "When you have a garden, you have a future and when you have a future, you feel alive".