on the Coast
For contact information please contact Carol
Flair on the Coast
Our presenter for October was Patrick Henry, who enlightened us with the health benefits of olive oil along with wonderful tastings of balsamic vinegars and olive oil combinations we can use in cooking or salad dressing.  It was a delightful presentation and everyone enjoyed Patrick and his passion for taste.

Olive Oil is full of important  health benefits, such as healthy fats. It is often referred as: “Liquid Gold“.  It is a favorite among chefs, and nutritionists. It is also a staple in the heart healthy  Mediterranean diet.
What makes  olive oil  such a healthy choice?
True 100% Extra Virgin Oil is a light delicate addition to many wonderful dishes. Let’s take a look at the health benefits of olive oil.
Prevents Cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis and atherothrombosis)
○ Consumption of about two table spoons of olive oil reduced LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and mildly  
raise HDL (the “good” cholesterol).
○ This beneficial effect of olive oil on lipids is mediated through its antioxidant components,  
especially polyphenols and vitamin E.
○ It reduces the chance of “thrombosis” (clot formation) in arteries by reducing factors that  
either cause clotting (plasma factor VII) or inhibit break-down of clots already formed  
(plasminogen activating inhibitor)
Prevention of osteoporosis : Healthy Bones Olive oil appears to have a favourable affect on  
bone calcification and bone mineralization.   A study showed that olive oil helps increase blood  
levels of calcium, which is a mineral often linked to stronger bones. It helps calcium absorption,  
thus playing an important part during the growth period and prevention of osteoporosis.
Cancer prevention
The polyphenols in olive oil help lower the risk of certain types of cancers, which is why  it is part  
of the top 10 cancer fighting foods.  Most cancers are caused by oxidative stress and chronic  
Polyphenols act as antioxidants by fighting the effects of oxidative stress and also contains high  
levels of  oleic acid, a potent anti-cancer fatty acid.
Prevention of Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
A diet rich in olive oil also facilitates glycemic control by leaving “less room” for carbohydrates  
(particularly “simple sugars” that cause insulin spikes and premature hunger attacks)
Olive oil helps fight cancer, lowers cholesterol and helps keep blood cells healthy
Olive oil can
reduce the
risk of heart
attacks and
6. Aging and Longevity
Extra virgin olive oil contain high quality of polyphenols which is antioxidant. Its antioxidant  
effects inhibit peroxidation and reduces mitochondrial DNA damage, preserving vitality and  
7. Brain health: Alzheimer’s disease
Better health of the brain and cognitive function is often linked to the   Mediterranean diet. Since  
olive oil is one of the main ingredients in this diet, research showed that intensive use of olive oil  
helped with visual memory. Oleocanthal, an olive oil component has been shown in scientific  
research to slow down the progression Of Alzheimer’s.
8. Digestive health
So many of the benefits of olive oil are due to polyphenols.  Digestive health  is another one.  
Polyphenols slow down the growth of unwanted bacteria that is linked to digestive tract infections.   
They also stop the growth of  H. Pylori, a bacterium that is often linked to stomach ulcers.
TASTER’S 3-5685 Cowrie St. Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0
Phone:   604-740-0600
