on the Coast

What is Ortho-Bionomy?
Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle system of healing which works to restore natural balance, alignment and well being. Ortho-Bionomy is a somatic therapy, which works with the body’s proprioceptive nervous system to release acute and chronic pain and rediscover comfort and ease. The basic approach of Ortho-Bionomy is to move the client into postures that are comfortable. By educating the client to their postural preferences, the body’s natural ability to self-correct is engaged, tense muscles and ligaments relax, stress and emotional tension are released, and natural alignment and balance are restored. Clients often report a deep sense of inner harmony. The practitioner also suggests home exercises that individuals can do to further facilitate the neuromuscular re-education process begun in the session.
Ortho-Bionomy was developed by Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls, a British trained osteopath, who wanted to find a way to work with the body which honored the body's inherent wisdom. From his experience as a Judo instructor and through his training as an osteopath, he found ways of working with the body by exaggerating the body's preferred postures, thereby permitting the body's self-healing process to create greater balance and alignment. He discovered that by working WITH the body and not against it, the body could find balance on its own without having to use force to correct it. Dr. Pauls began teaching this work in the United States in 1976. The term "Ortho-Bionomy" comes from "ortho" meaning correct or straight, "bio" meaning life, and "nomy" meaning the laws of or study of. Dr. Pauls defined the term then as "the correct applica tion of the laws of life." He stated that "[Ortho- Bionomy] is really about understanding your whole life cycle. Naturally, we focus on the structure because that is the literal skeleton upon which our life is built. When your structure works right, your circulation works better you feel better, you think better.”*
How does Ortho-Bionomy work?
Ortho-Bionomy stimulates the body's self-correcting and self-balancing reflexes by way of the proprioceptive reflexes located in our joints and muscles. The practitioner uses movement and gentle compression to find positions of comfort which allow the body to change the stress and pain patterns which are causing the discomfort. Ortho-Bionomy also employs the homeopathic concept that what cannot be cured from within cannot be cured from without. Using gentle positioning and light touch, Ortho-Bionomy stimulates inner awareness to awaken within the individual a sense of natural balance and well-being, both physically and emotionally. The inner wisdom of the body is recognized and affirmed. Self healing occurs as the person remembers his/her natural ability to move away from pain and toward ease.
What is Reflexology?
It is a method of activating the Healing powers of the body by working with the feet
to promote Good Health. There are reflex areas in the feet that correspond to all major
organs-glands & body parts. Gentle and pleasant to receive resulting is noticeable relaxation. Safe for all ages.
What is Ortho-Bionomy?
Reduces pain, increases range of motion, increases circulation, increase awareness, and educates the body using gentle positioning and movements. The self-corrective, reflexes re-awaken the innate wisdom of the body and its natural tendency to go toward balance. It is often immediate relief and long lasting. Pleasant to receive and done with clothes on.
What Is Intuitive Massage?
Methods of massage are varied: Light, Deep and Soft. Never painful. Always pleasant and effective. All sore spots are addressed and gently encouraged to disappear. Leaving you happy and relaxed.
All treatments come with a beautiful view of Georgia Strait...
Call Suzanne to book your appointment.

For contact information please contact Carol
Flair on the Coast