on the Coast
For contact information please contact Carol
What a wonderful presentation today from Dr. Loreen Dawson at our FLAIR meeting this month.  By the many questions and how long Dr. Dawson was kept answering them it was evident that this was a very informative presentation.  The information about using the clay to prevent radiation burns seemed to be biggest topic of interest near the end.  The following is a description of all the services Dr. Dawson and Dr. Clarke offer.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine strives to help every person achieve and maintain the best health possible.     By addressing the underlying causes of ill health, and choosing the best treatment options for each individual, we work with each patient to restore balance and improve health.   We believe that everyone can benefit from naturopathic health care, so are committed to treating people of all ages, and with acute or chronic conditions.   We also work with people interested in optimizing their health or preventing future health problems.   Naturopathic physicians have a wide variety of gentle, yet effective tools which restore balance with minimal side effects, including nutritional & lifestyle counselling, herbal medicine, homeopathy, drainage therapy and lifestyle counselling. 

Dr. Dawson and Dr. Clarke offer naturopathic medicine for the entire family and are trained to diagnose and treat a full range of acute and chronic health concerns. Using extensive history taking, physical exam, and lab tests, they strive to help you discover and correct the root cause or contributing factors to your health concerns.   They will work with you, step by step, to help you improve and maintain your health.​

Comprehensive Lab Testing

We offer a wide variety of lab tests including:

Standard laboratory testing
Food sensitivity testing\
Comprehensive digestive stool analysis
Salivary hormone panel
Adrenal stress panel
Urinary toxic metals analysis
And more...(please inquire) 

Natural Medicine Dispensary

We have a medicinal dispensary located within the clinic, offering our patients a wide variety of high quality supplements, herbal medicines, and homeopathic medicines. 

Diet & Nutritional Counselling

Our naturopathic physicians offer  individualized  dietary and nutritional counselling to help you achieve a healthy, well-balanced diet that is most appropriate for you based on your current state of health. The primary  focus is on addressing  nutritional deficiencies or  imbalances and  improving overall quality of food intake. Other  goals are to: improve  digestive health;  identify  and remove  possible food sensitivities/allergies; incorporate changes to  maintain  a healthy weight,  balance hormones, and manage blood sugar. We also offer a variety of 'therapeutic diets' to help manage specific medical conditions (i.e. IBS, Crohn's/Colitis, Diabetes, etc.) 

Intravenous (IV) Nutrient Therapy

A generally safe and effective method of rapidly delivering higher doses of essential vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream in order to bypass the digestive process and enhance absorption.   An IV nutrient infusion typically contains a complex of B vitamins (including B5, B6, B12), vitamin C, magnesium, and calcium. This service is offered by Dr. Baili Clarke, ND.    

Naturopathic Manipulation

A process of identifying mis-alignments or "subluxations" in the spine that cause acute and chronic pain, as well as other bodily disturbances, by impinging on muscles and nerves.   Relief can be achieved by physically re-aligning the spine through gentle adjustments or "manipulations". This service is offered by Dr. Baili Clarke, ND.

Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

A 2,000 year old medicine that originated in China and is still used safely and effectively today throughout the world. An acupuncture protocol (typically 6-8 treatments), dietary recommendations, and an herbal formula are usually prescribed to restore balance between the organs in the body. This is a very effective treatment for managing acute and chronic PAIN. This service is offered by Dr. Baili Clarke, ND.
Flair on the Coast